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Excel - Excel Prank: Freak out your manager with this April Fools Day trick! - Episode 476
April Fools
Excel - Review of JMTXL Utilities: Interview with Excel MVP Andrew Engwirda - Episode 478
Excel - Learn How to Quickly Transpose Data in Excel by PowerPoint MVP - Episode 472
Excel - Conditional Formatting (feat. Zack Barresse) - Episode 470
Excel - How to Remove Leading Spaces and Keep Interior Spaces Intact - Episode 466
Excel - Converting Text to Numbers in Excel: Easy Solutions for Numbers and Dates - Episode 480
Excel - Master the Double Validation Technique in Excel | Learn Excel Podcast - Episode 475
Evicted.....what? April fool's office prank
Excel - Boost Your Excel Calculation Speed 100x! Tips from Chas. Williams White Paper - Episode 1011
How to get Financial Year from date in excel (April -March as FY)
Excel - Mastering Excel Charting: Essential Tips for Organizing Your Data - Episode 469